Saturday, March 7, 2009

Teenage Shutdown - I’m A No-Count (1995)

Back with 19 more great garage records on volume 4 of this series.

 1. Bad Woman - Fallen Angels
 2. Caught You Red Handed - Jolly Green Giants
 3. Did Ya Need To Know - Dale Gregory & The Shouters
 4. Go Away - The Plague
 5. Stop It Baby - The Heard
 6. I’m Gone - The Gents
 7. If You Don’t Come Back - The Gents
 8. Do You Believe Me - Byron & the Mortals
 9. 1523 Blair - The Outcasts
10. We’re Pretty Quick - The Chob
11. Come On Baby - Al’s Untouchables
12. I’m A No-Count - Ty Wagner With The Scotchmen
13. I’m A Nothin’ - The Magic Plants
14. A Someday Fool - M.G. & The Escorts
15. It’s Trash - The Cave Men
16. Lively One - The Passions
17. I’ll Be Gone - The Opposite Six
18. I’m Gonna Get In That Girl’s Mind - The Reddlemen
19. I Want Your Love - The Barking Spyders